As we bid farewell to the last day of winter, our hearts are beating a bit faster in this part of the world. It’s almost like the storm before a clear day.

Street vendors have conquered the streets and trying all their tricks to sells everything before the New Year. The later you shop, the cheaper things get. Get over there at midnight and according to them they’ve set their belongings on fire only to get rid of them.

Streets are packed with people and traffic is like never before. While we could hardly wear more than one layer of clothing just a week ago, Tehran has decided to greet us with a chilly spring and we’re back on winter coats. Nevertheless, the sun shines brightly and the trees have blossomed.

Me and my maman kept our tradition of buying hyacinths for the Haft-seen table this morning and for a minute I realized that this is probably the only time of year when struggling to find a parking spot doesn’t bother us at all. I’ve been spending hours in traffic in the last couple of days and just getting to watch boys dressed as Haji Firuz dancing in the streets and selling bouquets of narcissus made everything worth it.


And today, while maman and me were setting our Haft-seen table and deciding on the tablecloth we should use, I heard drums roll in the street while someone else joined in with the Sorna. And I knew it was time…. Nowruz has finally arrived and my heart is filled with joy. 🙂

Comparing to all the Nowruz spent abroad when I would have to be in school or at uni on the New Year and perhaps get a cold “Happy Nowruz” from some friends if lucky, I realize that no matter all the problems and issues, there’s really nothing like home. There is no joy similar to when receiving Eidi (money given by the elders to those who visit them during Nowruz) from those we visit no matter how old I get. It’s the only two weeks of the year when we get to eat all the nuts and sweets we want without feeling guilty and speaking of diets sounds more like swearing. We get to have Tehran all to ourselves left by the millions who are on holidays. I get to visit family that I only see this time of the year and be spoilt by their love and compliments. Everything that I would completely miss and be homesick for when away.


As the last days of 1394 go by smoothly and I’ve been avoiding work and even the blog to have some “me time”, I’m contemplating over the year that is just about to pass me by.

Looking back, this year has really been a blast. It’s been generally positive and full of joyful events.

I don’t think I have ever travelled as much. I not only travelled to some very unfamiliar places, but I also got to experience some of them with people I barely knew. Something that might come as a challenge for many but it always turns out to be rewarding for myself.

I quite my office job and became location independent. I learned to negotiate, ask for my rights and fail all at the same time. I started trying new things and actually doing something about the crazy ideas I had in my head. We started a Persian food tour, which is still in progress, and I got my official tour guide certificate after a whole year.

I spent a lot more time with the people I love and learned that the quality of people in my life was way more important than their quantity. Instead of sharing my time with everyone, I decided to dedicate more of it to those who really matter to me. Those who will not only be there to share my happiness, but will also hold my back at times of grief.

I’m beyond grateful for a healthy year and so thankful to have had both my parents close by all year around. After all, they are the most important people I have in my life.


Blog wise, it’s been great. There’s not a single day that I’m not grateful for making the crazy decision of starting a blog and putting my thoughts down somewhere. During the last year I’ve been able to see so many of you here in Tehran and I’m constantly showered by your love and support through emails and messages. I know it might sound crazy, but I sometimes go through my own posts just for the sake of my memories and feel great that I have a platform where I could easily rewind them whenever I want.

In general I’m one happy spring girl. This is my season. When I was born and when I truly feel the greatest. 1395 is going to be awesome. I’ll be one year older, wiser and will have another whole year to seek adventures, learn, travel, experience and make as many amazing memories I can.

So let the new Persian year begin!

Happy Nowruz my lovely Persians and the rest of you who celebrate. May it filled with love, laughter, passion, peace and progress.

Nowruzetan Piruz! 🙂


3 thoughts on “Wrapping 1394 and Welcoming NOWRUZ, The New Persian Year

  1. tavira portugal algarve says:

    Você realmente faz parecer tão fácil сom a sua apresentação,
    mɑs eu acho isso tópico ser na veгdade аlgo ԛue eu acho quе eu nunca entenderia.
    Parece-mе demasiado complexo е extremamente amplo ⲣara mim.
    Еu sou ansioso рelo seu próximo post, I’ll tentаr peցar ᧐

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